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My Reminiscences by Rabindranath Tagore - A Free Ebook that Chronicles His Journey and Vision

My Reminiscences Tagore pdf free

If you are looking for a classic book that will inspire you with its wisdom, beauty, and insight, you might want to check out My Reminiscences by Rabindranath Tagore. This book is a collection of autobiographical essays by one of the most influential and celebrated writers of India. In this article, we will tell you more about this book, its author, and how you can download it for free.

My Reminiscences Tagore Pdf Free

What are My Reminiscences?

My Reminiscences is a book that was written and published by Rabindranath Tagore in his fiftieth year, shortly before he started on a trip to Europe and America for his failing health in 1912. It was during this trip that he wrote for the first time in English for publication. In this book, he shares his memories of his childhood, his family, his friends, his education, his travels, his literary career, his philosophy, and his views on various topics. He also reveals his inner life and his creative process, as well as the influences that shaped his personality and poetry.

The book is divided into 49 chapters, each containing a short essay on a specific theme or event. The chapters are arranged in a chronological order, starting from his earliest recollections to his mature reflections. The book is written in a simple, elegant, and poetic style that captures the essence of Tagore's thoughts and feelings. The book is also full of anecdotes, humor, irony, and wisdom that make it an enjoyable and enlightening read.

Why are My Reminiscences important?

My Reminiscences is an important book for several reasons. First of all, it is a rare glimpse into the life and mind of one of the greatest poets and thinkers of India. It shows us how Tagore developed his artistic vision and his humanistic values through his personal experiences and observations. It also shows us how he blended the best of both Eastern and Western cultures in his work and worldview.

Secondly, it is a valuable source of information and inspiration for anyone who is interested in Indian culture and literature. It introduces us to the rich and diverse traditions, customs, languages, religions, arts, and history of India. It also introduces us to some of the most prominent and influential figures of Indian society, such as Ram Mohan Roy, Bankim Chandra Chatterjee, Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar, Swami Vivekananda, and Mahatma Gandhi.

Thirdly, it is a timeless and universal book that speaks to the human condition and the human spirit. It explores themes such as love, friendship, family, nature, beauty, freedom, creativity, spirituality, morality, and social justice. It also expresses Tagore's hopes and fears for humanity and his vision of a harmonious and peaceful world.

How to read My Reminiscences?

There is no one right way to read My Reminiscences. You can read it from cover to cover, or you can pick and choose the chapters that interest you the most. You can read it for pleasure, or you can read it for learning. You can read it alone, or you can read it with others. You can read it with an open mind, or you can read it with a critical eye. Whatever way you choose to read it, we hope that you will enjoy it and benefit from it.

Who was Rabindranath Tagore?

Rabindranath Tagore was a poet, writer, philosopher, educator, artist, musician, social reformer, and Nobel laureate. He was born on May 7, 1861 in Calcutta (now Kolkata), India. He belonged to a wealthy and influential family of Bengali Brahmins who were involved in various fields of culture, politics, religion, and business. He was the youngest of thirteen children and was given the nickname "Rabi" by his parents.

Tagore's early life and education

Tagore grew up in a large and lively household that was filled with books, music, art, and guests. He was exposed to various languages, such as Bengali, Sanskrit, English, Hindi, Persian, and Arabic. He was also exposed to various religions, such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Sikhism. He was a precocious child who showed an early interest and talent in writing and drawing. He started composing poems at the age of eight and published his first collection at the age of sixteen.

Tagore received his formal education at home from private tutors who taught him subjects such as literature, history, geography, mathematics, astronomy, and botany. He also attended several schools for brief periods of time but found them stifling and boring. He preferred to learn from his own observation and exploration of the world around him. He traveled extensively within India and abroad with his father and other relatives. He visited places such as Darjeeling, Shimla, Amritsar, Varanasi, Agra, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, London, Paris, and Rome. He was influenced by the natural beauty, the cultural diversity, and the social issues that he encountered in his journeys.

Tagore's literary career and Nobel Prize

Tagore was a prolific writer who produced works in almost every genre of literature. He wrote poems, songs, stories, novels, plays, essays, letters, diaries, memoirs, and lectures. He also translated some of his own works from Bengali into English and vice versa. He also translated some works of other writers from different languages into Bengali or English. Some of his most famous works include Gitanjali (Song Offerings), Gora (Fair-Faced), Ghare-Baire (The Home and the World), Chokher Bali (A Grain of Sand), Shesher Kabita (The Last Poem), Raktakarabi (Red Oleanders), Balaka (The Flight of Cranes), Jana Gana Mana (The National Anthem of India), and Amar Shonar Bangla (The National Anthem of Bangladesh).

In 1913, Tagore became the first non-European to win the Nobel Prize in Literature for his collection of poems Gitanjali, which he had translated into English himself. The Nobel Committee praised him as "a man who has written poems without equal in our time". Here is the continuation of the article. Tagore's philosophy and worldview

Tagore was not a systematic philosopher, but he had a distinctive and original worldview that was influenced by both Indian and Western sources. He developed a spiritual humanism that connected the human self with the universal Being, which he called variously as Brahman, God, or Man. He believed that human beings have a divine spark within them that can be realized through love, knowledge, and freedom. He also believed that human beings have a creative potential that can be expressed through art, literature, music, and education.

Tagore's philosophy was based on his personal experience of the divine, which he described as "the most intimate touch of reality". He had several mystical moments in his life, such as when he felt a sudden surge of joy while looking at the sunset in the Himalayas, or when he heard a voice calling him "Rabindra" while he was meditating in his father's boat. He also had a vision of a "luminous figure" who appeared to him in his room and spoke to him about his mission in life. Tagore interpreted these experiences as signs of his connection with the supreme Being.

Tagore's philosophy was also influenced by his exposure to various religious traditions, such as Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, and Sikhism. He respected and appreciated the diversity of faiths and cultures, but he also criticized the dogmatism and fanaticism that often accompanied them. He advocated for a universal religion that transcended the boundaries of sects and creeds and focused on the essential unity of all beings. He wrote: "The highest wisdom is to say that all religions are one in their ultimate goal".

Tagore's philosophy was also influenced by his engagement with Western ideas and thinkers, such as Plato, Aristotle, Kant, Hegel, Emerson, Whitman, Tolstoy, Einstein, and Gandhi. He admired the rationality and scientific spirit of the West, but he also warned against its materialism and imperialism. He sought to balance the Western emphasis on reason and individualism with the Eastern emphasis on intuition and collectivism. He wrote: "The East with her intuition must meet the West with her reason".

Tagore's views on nationalism and humanism

One of the most controversial aspects of Tagore's philosophy was his critique of nationalism and his advocacy of humanism. Tagore lived during a time when India was under British colonial rule and many Indians were fighting for independence. Tagore supported the cause of freedom and justice for his countrymen, but he also opposed the idea of nationalism as a narrow and violent ideology that divided humanity into hostile groups. He wrote: "Nationalism is a great menace. It is the particular thing which for years has been at the bottom of India's troubles".

Tagore believed that nationalism was a product of Western civilization that had corrupted the original spirit of India. He argued that India had a unique civilization that was based on harmony, diversity, tolerance, and spirituality. He envisioned India as a leader of a new world order that would promote peace, cooperation, and mutual understanding among nations. He wrote: "India has never had a real sense of nationalism. Even though from childhood I had been taught that idolatry of Nation is almost better than reverence for God and humanity, I believe I have outgrown that teaching ... My countrymen will gain truly their India by fighting against that education which teaches them that a country is greater than the ideals of humanity".

Tagore proposed humanism as an alternative to nationalism. He defined humanism as "the highest pursuit of man" that aimed at "the fullest expression of his nature". He believed that humanism was compatible with his concept of universal religion and his vision of creative evolution. He hoped that humanism would foster a sense of global citizenship and solidarity among people who shared common values and aspirations. He wrote: "Humanity is waiting for those who can accomplish their fellowship ... The time has come when badges of pride make our shame glaring in their incongruous context of humiliation ... Let us claim for ourselves this freedom to love ... Let us unite this world in a confederation of branches whose roots are interwoven".

Tagore's legacy and impact

Tagore left behind a rich and lasting legacy that continues to inspire and influence people around the world. His works have been translated into many languages and have been adapted into various forms of art and media. His ideas have been discussed and debated by scholars and thinkers from different disciplines and perspectives. His achievements have been recognized and honored by various institutions and organizations.

Tagore's influence on Indian culture and literature

Tagore was a pioneer and a leader of the Bengal Renaissance, a cultural nationalist movement that aimed to revive and modernize the intellectual and artistic life of Bengal. He played a key role in shaping the identity and expression of India as a nation and as a civilization. He contributed to the development of Bengali language and literature, as well as to the fields of music, art, education, and social reform. He also influenced the political and spiritual leaders of India, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose, and Sri Aurobindo.

Tagore is widely regarded as the national poet of India and Bangladesh. He composed the national anthems of both countries, Jana Gana Mana and Amar Shonar Bangla, respectively. He also wrote the national anthem of Sri Lanka, Namo Namo Matha, along with his friend Ananda Samarakoon. He is the only person in history to have written the national anthems of three countries.

Tagore is also considered as one of the greatest poets and writers of all time. He is the first Asian to win the Nobel Prize in Literature and the first non-European to be awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by Oxford University. He is also one of the few writers who have been nominated for the Nobel Prize in Literature more than once. He has been praised by many literary giants, such as W.B. Yeats, Ezra Pound, T.S. Eliot, Thomas Mann, Albert Einstein, Romain Rolland, George Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, and Jorge Luis Borges.

How to download My Reminiscences Tagore pdf free?

If you are interested in reading My Reminiscences by Rabindranath Tagore, you will be glad to know that you can download it for free from various online sources. Here are two of the most popular and reliable sources that offer free pdf versions of this book.

Project Gutenberg

Project Gutenberg is a website that provides free access to over 60,000 ebooks that are in the public domain. It was founded in 1971 by Michael Hart, who is considered as the inventor of ebooks. Project Gutenberg aims to encourage the creation and distribution of ebooks and to preserve the cultural heritage of humanity.

How to download from Project Gutenberg?

To download My Reminiscences from Project Gutenberg, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to, which is the webpage for this book.

  • Choose the format that you prefer from the list of available formats. For example, if you want to download a pdf file with images, click on "PDF (with images)".

  • A new window will open with the pdf file. You can either read it online or save it to your device by clicking on the download icon or by right-clicking on the file and choosing "Save as".

  • Enjoy reading My Reminiscences by Rabindranath Tagore.

Internet Archive

Internet Archive is a non-profit digital library that provides free access to millions of books, movies, music, software, websites, and more. It was founded in 1996 by Brewster Kahle, who is a computer engineer and internet entrepreneur. Internet Archive aims to provide universal access to all knowledge and to preserve the digital legacy of humanity.

How to download from Internet Archive?

To download My Reminiscences from Internet Archive, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Go to, which is the webpage for this book.

  • Choose the format that you prefer from the list of available formats on the right side of the page. For example, if you want to download a pdf file, click on "PDF".

A new window will open with the pdf file. You can either read it online or save it to your device by clicking on the download icon or by right-clicking Here is the continuation of the article. Tagore's educational and social reforms

Tagore was not only a poet and a philosopher, but also an educator and a social reformer. He was deeply concerned about the problems of poverty, ignorance, oppression, and violence that plagued India and the world. He believed that education and social action were the means to bring about positive change and human development.

Tagore's educational experiments

Tagore was dissatisfied with the conventional system of education that he had experienced as a child. He found it rigid, dull, and alienating. He wanted to create a new type of education that would nurture the natural curiosity, creativity, and joy of learning in children. He also wanted to make education relevant to the local culture, environment, and needs of the people.

In 1901, he founded an experimental school at Santiniketan (Abode of Peace), near Bolpur in West Bengal. He named it Brahmacharya Ashram (House of Learning), where he himself taught along with a few teachers and students. He followed the ancient Indian tradition of gurukula, where students lived with their teachers in a close and informal relationship. He also introduced innovative methods of teaching and learning, such as outdoor classes, field trips, art and music activities, self-expression, and self-discipline.

In 1921, he expanded his school into a university called Visva-Bharati (Universal Culture), where he invited scholars, artists, and thinkers from different parts of India and the world to share their knowledge and ideas with his students. He envisioned Visva-Bharati as a meeting place of the East and the West, where different cultures could interact and learn from each other. He also established several institutes within Visva-Bharati, such as Sriniketan (Institute of Rural Reconstruction), Kala Bhavana (Institute of Fine Arts), Sangit Bhavana (Institute of Music and Dance), Vinaya Bhavana (Institute of Education), Siksha Bhavana (Institute of Science), Vidya Bhavana (Institute of Humanities), and Cheena Bhavana (Institute of Chinese Studies).

Tagore's educational experiments were groundbreaking in many areas. He was one of the first in India to argue for a humane and holistic education that was in harmony with nature and aimed at the overall development of the personality. He was also one of the first to advocate for women's education, rural education, adult education, vocational education, and international education. He influenced many educators and thinkers, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Maria Montessori, John Dewey, Paulo Freire, Ivan Illich, and Jiddu Krishnamurti.

Tagore's social initiatives

Tagore was also actively involved in various social initiatives that aimed at improving the lives of the poor and marginalized people in India. He realized that education alone was not enough to solve the problems of poverty, inequality, and injustice. He also realized that education and village councils or panchayats were the only available instruments of economic and social change, and that the villagers should obtain various forms of expert help from outside to accomplish this change. As he says: "Poverty springs from disunity and wealth from co-operation".

In 1922, he founded Sriniketan (Abode of Prosperity), an institute of rural reconstruction near Santiniketan. He appointed Leonard Elmhirst, a young Englishman who had studied agriculture at Cornell University, as its director. He also recruited experts from various fields, such as agriculture, animal husbandry, health, cooperation, and handicrafts, to work with the local people. He aimed to empower the villagers by providing them with scientific knowledge, technical skills, and cooperative organization. He also aimed to preserve and promote their cultural heritage, such as folk songs, dances, and crafts.

In 1932, he founded Visva-Bharati Cooperative Society, a cooperative bank that provided loans to the villagers for various purposes, such as farming, irrigation, housing, and education. He also founded several other cooperative ventures, such as dairy farms, potteries, weaving centers, and printing presses. He hoped to create a model of self-reliant rural development that could be replicated elsewhere.

Tagore's social initiatives were visionary and pioneering in many aspects. He was one of the first in India to advocate for rural development, community participation, cooperative movement, and cultural revival. He was also one of the first to address the issues of environmental degradation, gender discrimination, caste oppression, and communal violence. He inspired many social workers and activists, such as Mahatma Gandhi, Jawaharlal Nehru, Vinoba Bhave, and Jayaprakash Narayan.


In conclusion, My Reminiscences by Rab


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